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Ruth Ann Grayson served as director of Big Sisters of Greater Racine from 1989-2010, coordinating countless matches of Big and Little Sisters with love and care. She was also a Big Sister and a huge advocate for our enrichment program. Ruth Ann often used Big Sister of Greater Racine Enrichment funds to pay for swimming lessons for her Little Sisters. The Board established The Ruth Ann Grayson Fund specifically for enrichment activities for our Little Sisters in March of 2020.

Our Enrichment Program provides funding to allow Little Sisters access to extracurricular activities such as swimming lessons, camps, classes, and sports teams.

Parents’ and Guardians’ permission is required. And Big Sisters of Racine Inc. is not responsible for transportation.

Do you have a Little Sister who could benefit from enrichment camps, classes, sports, or activities? Request funds for Little Sisters to participate in extracurricular activities and help them explore, learn and develop their passions.

Classes and Camps:

4K-8 Summer School – RUSD

Racine Zoo Summer Camp

YMCA Swim Classes

Camp Invention at Jefferson Lighthouse

River Bend Summer Camp

Racine Art Museum

Racine Gymnastics Center

Wisconsin Humane Society

Racine Theatre Guild

Racine Area Summer Soccer

Eco-Justice Center Summer Camps

UW-Parkside Summer Youth Camps

Racine Parks and Rec Camps & Clinics

Racine Parks and Rec Playground Programs

Feel free to research your own camps, classes, or activities. If you want to add your link to our list, contact